Wednesday 24 February 2016

What Makes NCGTM Different & Unique?

At NCGTM, we pride ourselves on being the Canadian trailblazers in girls pageantry! We often find that many of the rules we make, new categories we come up with, ways of doing things,  have become the standard in Canadian pageantry for young girls!  While many things in pageants are standard across the board (like beauty wear), and we try to stick with a USA pageant standard in our system, yet we have put our own  "Canadian twist" on certain things, which have now been followed by new pageants growing in Canada.  Until last year, the director of NCGTM also ran Dreamboat Dolls, a glitz system. All of the new pageants in Canada were run more like DBD (supreme title system) than NCGTM, which is why NCGTM is so unique!

We are proud to set the bar high, and to have such a following is humbling!

99% of Canadian pageants are run on a supreme title system (divisional queens, supreme queens, grand supremes, ultimate grand supremes, etc...). Typically this style of crowning is only found in a  glitz system, but Canada has seemed to adopt more of a 'semi-natural/low glitz' approach to girls pageants. Lots of supreme titles, tall crowns (often themed), themed pageants,  allow glitz move routines, costumes, etc... 
NCGTM is a National Scholarship Natural Prestige System and the only one of it's kind in Canada!

What is the difference between Glitz, Semi-Natural & Scholarship Natural? Is USA different from Canada?

In Canada, 99% of the pageants have the girls compete "As far as you want to go with the glitz". Some girls will compete in a natural dress, natural hair, no makeup, etc.., while the girl next to her is in a cupcake dress and glitzy custom casual wear and ooc, but keeping her hair/makeup natural. Then the next girl could be in a full custom glitz dress, full fake hair, fake lashes, tons of makeup, spray tanned, etc...  Also you will see a wide range of modeling from girls doing just a basic runway walk to full choreographed and coached glitz routines. Dreamboat Dolls was a full glitz pageant at one point, but due to many new girls, it went more semi-glitz for the last couple years.

Semi-Glitz - She has fake hair, glitzy dress, but no makeup.

Semi-Natural - A teensey bit of makeup,  had routines, but all natural otherwise.

Full Glitz - Fake hair, fake tan, full routines, full glitz dress

Scholarship Natural - Polished but Natural

In the USA, you will generally find you enter a pageant and it is either 'glitz' or 'semi-natural' or a scholarship natural style pageant. If it is glitz, you better bring the glitz - because you are being scored on your clothes, hair, makeup, shoes, routines, etc.. etc...  Don't dare show up in just a Halloween costume for OOC for these pageants - you will be laughed off the stage! These girls wear custom pageant wear that can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars! Glitz shouldn't have any 'talking' involved. No introductions, interviews etc. Some glitz pageants do a fresh face portion, where there might be some kind of interview or on-stage question involved. These pageants don't have titles that you hold for a year. These are for fun to attend, win some crowns, hopefully some cash and bring them home for your collection. Typically the 'big' winners don't compete for a year in the system and then go back to crown the next year.

In a National Natural or Semi-Natural system in the USA the girls are very very polished, and to be honest, to a new pageant person, it looks a lot like glitz! Many years ago, when we were still new to pageants, I took my daughter to what was called a Natural pageant. It was a big National with girls across the USA competing. We went 'NATURAL' - and I mean really natural! She failed miserably, as these girls were so polished with fancy routines and custom outfits, spray tans and makeup I didn't consider all that natural - but for a supreme titled natural system, that is what 'natural' was!  Semi-Natural pageants don't typically have speaking involved (interviews, intro, etc..).

USA Natural Pageant
USA Natural Pageant

In Canada, for semi-natural, generally you are going to find  your pageants allow you to compete as you wish, no major rules.  One of the reasons for this is because directors don't want new girls to be scared off from entering! They don't want moms to think they have to go all toddlers and tiaras to win!
They are also always themed (some of the most popular have been Holidays, Valentines, Candyland, back to school, Paris, Country, Hollywood,  Tropical, etc...etc.. the list goes on and on!)
These pageants also run on the supreme title system I talked about earlier. They are fun  pageants to go to for a day or a weekend, you win a fun crown and maybe a sash and some other prizes and go home and put them up on your shelf to admire. The girls love to collect these themed crowns.
These pageants do not give out 'titles' that you hold for a year. Imagine being "Little Miss Dreamboat Dolls?" - doesn't sound quite as prestigious as being "National Canadian Little Miss" or "Miss Teen Canada" or "Miss America". That is why supreme titled systems are there - for fun, no commitment to a title and for girls with titles from prestige systems to have some pageant fun!
A Semi-Natural Pageant in Canada is also very laid back about wardrobe expectations and often we will see girls using Halloween costumes for OOC, wearing any type of dress, etc...
Due to a lower population of pageant families in Canada vs. the USA, rules on this are much more relaxed, as parents in Canada typically don't want to spend too much on theme wears. With every pageant themed, it means a new theme wear outfit, music and routine for each one, which can get costly for most families. Some Canadian pageants also allow face paint, wigs, etc... to be a character for OOC, which is generally not done in a USA pageant, as they don't really want the kids to do this.
These pageants are also generally a one day fun event, rarely more than that. Sometimes they are a fun weekend event as well, but again, no titles are being held afterwards. These are fun for the kids and families in Canada, and great because they are not falling under the same super serious glitz rules and people don't have to spend a fortune on National level glitz outfits!

A Scholarship Natural Pageant is a title holding pageant. These are pageants where you hold a title for a year, usually charity of some sort is involved.
These pageants are not themed and do not have the big 'glitz' style crowns. Crowns are smaller, but often more expensive, due to the materials they are made with and also made 'stronger' as they are used for appearances quite often. 
Scholarship Natural Pageants are basically 'polished natural'. Girls should still make an effort in their appearance, hair, wardrobe, etc... but these things are not always judged. It is the girl's 'overall appeal' that matters. Girls need good interview skills, a good introduction, a good poised beauty walk and also they will do other categories such as fun fashion, casual, tv commercial, speech, etc...
Sometimes girls are required to have a platform. Winning a title is an honor and shouldn't be taken lightly! As a titleholder, it is basically your job for the  year to make appearances for your title, represent the system well and promote the system. This is why most pageants will not allow their title holders to hold more than one title. Many systems understand girls have choices and love to do pageants, so they are more open these days to girls holding more than one State or Regional title, but if they win the National title, they are expected to honor their commitment to that system for the year. This is why it is fun that there are semi-natural systems out there for pageant girls (especially those younger girls age 18 and under who have pageants as more of a  hobby) to go in. These don't have titles, and they can go for a fun day, bring home a theme crown for their collection, but not affect their title holding status!

What is a national pageant?
A National pageant is when there are pageants across the country that lead up to one big one (Nationals) OR is such a big pageant that they have contestants/delegates from across the entire country. In the USA many of the big glitz pageants will be called a National, because girls from all the USA will attend. They don't necessarily have smaller pageants leading up to it.
National Scholarship Style pageants usually do have smaller pageants across the country to lead up, or offer appointed titles and have delegates from all over taking these and attending.
A National Scholarship style pageant also tends to be held over 3-4 days, or maybe longer.
These pageants also offer quite a bit of cash winnings or scholarship winnings.

What is a mini-national pageant?
This term is not used often, but I did use it for Dreamboat Dolls a few times, as I had the bulk of my contestants from BC, and then about 1/4 of them were from Alberta and maybe a couple others from Sask or even WA state. This was not a full National, but was a bigger pageant that was held over a weekend, and run similar to a big National glitz pageant. There was some cash given out, but maybe top prize was about $100-$200, nothing huge.

What is a Local or Regional Pageant?
A local or regional pageant is one that has the bulk of their contestants from one area. For instance if I ran a pageant in Vancouver and had 40 girls, and 35 were from BC and maybe 5 from Alberta, I would still consider this local or Regional. These are usually a one day type pageant. Sometimes they have a little mini weekend event.

So what makes NCGTM different in Canada?

NCGTM is a NATIONAL LEVEL Prestige Title holding system for girls ages 0-59 years.
We are the ONLY system in all of Canada that has a National Scholarship Title available for all ages. There are many types of National level Miss and Teen pageants out there, but NCGTM is the only one that allows those amazing younger girls to also win a title!

NCGTM is about the title, not about the crown (but don't worry -we do have amazing custom NCGTM crowns designed by our director!). We want girls who understand that the NCGTM crown is not part of your 'Crown Collection", but a prestigious title you have worked hard to earn and want to do something with!
This is a positive and exciting title to earn! You will have a National CANADIAN title! If you are older, this looks great on your resume or college applications!

We hold smaller Regional pageants across Canada from Jan-May, and then the girls come to Nationals in July. We have girls from Atlantic Canada to the Pacific Coast, and everywhere in between!

We are all about pink! We love pink, we started 'Pink theme wear' 5 years ago and it is still going strong!

We NEVER change our age groups. They will always be the same, and always be fair!
Baby Miss (0-23m), Toddler Miss (2-3), Tiny Miss (4-5), Petite Miss (6-7), Little Miss (8-9),  Young Miss (10-11),
Tween Miss (12-13), Jr. Teen Miss (14-16), Teen Miss (17-19), Miss (20-29), Ms (30-59)

Scholarship Money is awarded at the Regional and National levels!

There is NO conflict of interest in our pageants. We make every effort possible to ensure our judges do not know our contestants.

The director (Liz McKinnon) of NCGTM won a top ten pageant director in the world award from The Pageant Planet. She does not do anything with pageants but direct. There is no conflict of interest with her at all! She is not a hair and makeup artist, photographer, coach or anything else in the pageant industry BUT a director! No conflict of her knowing a contestant personally through being her photographer, coach, hair/mu artist in the past- no favouritism will happen at NCGTM!  Liz has no vested interest in any contestant competing!

Liz has had over 10 years in the Pageant industry, has attended pageants all over Canada and the USA as a pageant mom, and knows what Moms want! She brings her expertise to bring you the BEST experience ever!

NCGTM is an honest system! Scores are tabulated by someone who has no vested interest in the contestants.
Judges have no vested interest, nor does the Director. The winner is the winner - plain and simple!

NCGTM is offering an amazing new category at Nationals, which is Photo Shoot Model! For details on this see the blog post from yesterday!

NCGTM uses a full professional stage and lighting/sound system at Nationals!

NCGTM has an amazing 'Pink Carpet Awards Night".

Crowning at Nationals 2016 will be much different from what you are used to in the past, as Liz really wants to get away from a traditional crowning ceremony she has used for her past DBD or NCGTM pageants.

All girls receive a crown at regionals no matter their placement! We want all girls to go home feeling good about themselves! They also receive other prizes and gifts.

NCGTM gives away up to $12,000 Cash at Nationals!

Girls can compete in a wide variety of categories including fun fashion, casual, speech arts, tv commercial/spokesmodel, talent, photo shoot and more!

Tons of award opportunities!

Girls can earn a Sparkle Award! Also awards for ad sales, charity work,  appearance scrapbook, scholastic achievement and more!

Outgoing Royalty Receive Personalized Directors Chairs!

Royalty get to participate in the Joey Awards!

Friendship Bags at Regionals and Nationals!

NCGTM is holding Nationals as a fun family getaway at WEST EDMONTON MALL!

All delegates get a FREE OPENING NUMBER DRESS!

The BEST part of NCGTM is the friends and family you make! Our sisterhood is amazing! Girls develop amazing social skills, public speaking skills, and appreciation for doing good for charity without having to be rewarded and have so much fun!

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